Monday, October 12, 2009

Outbox: Safe?

To: Brook Haupenstaat
From: Ira Blatt
Subject: Safe?

Hi Brook,

I’m just checking to make sure you’re ok. I heard the report on the news about the ReginaPro office exploding this morning around 6:00 am. I don’t think you would be there as early in the morning as the collapse, and the news said they don’t think anyone was on the property at all this morning, but I’m still checking in. I know that Darcy was having you do a lot of extra stuff for her lately.

Anyway, email me or give me a call as soon as you get this. Just an “I’m ok” is enough. I hope nobody’s hurt. If you want to talk, give me a call. I know I’ve been busy this semester, but when I heard about the building falling down I realized that I need to make more time for the people who are the most important to me.

That’s all. I’ll check in later.

(Continue to the ReginaPro response.)

Monday, October 5, 2009

Outbox: latest news

To: Marsha Blatt
From: Ira Blatt
Subject: latest news

Hi Mom,

I got your care package today. Thanks! The cookies are delicious—I had to hide a few to make sure they’d still be around by the time I pack lunch tomorrow.

It was good talking with you and Dad this weekend. I’m sorry I couldn’t stay on the phone for as long as usual. This big project is doing a number on my free time. I hope after it’s finished I’ll finally get some time to relax. We’ll see.

On an unrelated topic, the rumors are that they’re no closer even to proving that there were rogue supers at ReginaPro last week, let alone figuring out who they might be. The top people at the company are insistent that it was the work of rogues, but they don’t seem to be letting anyone in to investigate—not even the supes! How do they expect anyone to help them if they don’t cooperate with the authorities? It makes me mad.

And on top of that, ReginaPro is where my friend Brook is working for her business internship. She wasn’t there at the time of the attacks, thank God, but she seems to be taking it pretty hard and she’s really freaked out by the whole idea of rogues. Poor Brook. I hope this whole thing gets solved soon, if only for her sake.

If there’s any new news I promise I’ll pass it on as soon as I can.

Oh, and also, it’s starting to look like I won’t be able to come home for fall break after all. :-( I wish I could, but I don’t think the scheduling will work out for anything besides Sunday, and Minneapolis to Chicago and back is a long way to go for a day trip.

I’m thinking of you and Dad. Love you,

(See what Brook's been up to.)