Sunday, November 15, 2009

Chat about the play

babblingbrook: guess what I’m doing right now.
iRant: homework?
babblingbrook: as if! I’m making creme brulee.
iRant: wow! tell me ur not holding the blowtorch with 1 hand and typing with the other. I wouldn’t put it past you
babblingbrook: nah. old fashioned way. in the broiler in a pan of icy water.
iRant: still impressed. what’s the special occasion?
babblingbrook: chelsea. she’s had a pretty crazy week, and it turns out she got into a fancy education program that’s gonna take her away from us for a month. I want to show her I love her with dessert. rest of the meal is all yummy takeout
iRant: is your mom there?
babblingbrook: yeah, she’s in town (for once, lol). Actually planning on staying around for a WHOLE WEEK so she can fly into nj with chels next sund. (and then there’ll be a new celebration. dancing around the empty house in my underwear.)
iRant: I’ll bet you can do that whenever you want with just your mom and sister around.
babblingbrook: maybe, but it’s better when they’re gone. the music’s louder.
iRant: sounds like fun
iRant: hey, I was wondering -
iRant: are you working backstage during the play, or are you just prep b4hand?
babblingbrook: I’m home free by opening night. Unless a sequin emergency comes up, at least. why?
iRant: o, it’s just that my brother developed a sudden interest in cultural events and wants to come with me to the play, so I’m trying to decide on a date to get tickets.
babblingbrook: well, I’m going on Fri night if that’s any help.
iRant: Perfect. I’ll get tickets for Saturday.
babblingbrook: ?? Not the direction I thought you were going with that.
iRant: sorry. it’s nothing against you. I just want to avoid subjecting my friends to my family.
babblingbrook: Then how will we learn the embarrassing stories of what you did when you were 3?
iRant: :-P I guess you can’t.
babblingbrook: your brother’s older, right? you’re the baby?
iRant: yes, he’s older. I don’t think that makes me “the baby” tho.
babblingbrook: ur adorable when ur offended!
iRant: groan
babblingbrook: where’s your brother coming in from?
iRant: he lives nearby. went to college @ the U. can we talk about something else?
babblingbrook: you 2 don’t get along?
iRant: we just don’t have much in common. and he’s kinda full of himself.
iRant: and a jock. and the favorite.
babblingbrook: :-/
iRant: sorry. shouldn’t be making you listen to me complain about my family.
babblingbrook: it’s part of the friend contract. ur entitled.
iRant: ha. my family just doesn’t get me. I’m kind of a black sheep (you may have noticed that I’m sort of a nerd…)
babblingbrook: You? NEVER!
iRant: and they
iRant: :-P
iRant: and they – well, mostly my dad and my brother I guess – have never understood where I’m coming from. you know, there’s so much that’s central to who I am that I can never share with them – the stuff I do here at school, the kinds of things I’m interested in, all that.
iRant: especially my brother. he’s a good guy—great guy, don’t want to make it sound like I don’t like him or anything, but I guess… I’m different around my family, don’t talk as much, and don’t feel as much like myself. So that’s why I want to take Jason to the play on Saturday.
babblingbrook: Ira… I want to give you a big giant hug.
babblingbrook: if I weren’t trying to make it The Chelsea Show over here, I would invite you over.
iRant: I appreciate the thought.
babblingbrook: hey, we’re still on for the study date tomorrow, right? 2:30?
iRant: See you then. now, don’t you have some creme brule to take out of the oven?
babblingbrook: omg crap!
iRant: lol. thanks for listening. I’ll see you tomorrow.
iRant: have a good night.

(Continue to Brook's inbox.)

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