Sunday, November 22, 2009

Inbox: coming down for Thanksgiving

Sender: Marsha Blatt
To: Ira Blatt

Subject: coming down for Thanksgiving

Hi Ira,

Everything’s ready for Thanksgiving. It’ll be great to see my boys. Thinking back, I’m pretty sure the last time I had both of you at home was Memorial Day. Time sure does go by fast.

I remember that you mentioned a few days ago that your friend Brook didn’t have plans for Thanksgiving. I figured that you would be embarrassed to invite her down for the holiday, so I did it for you. She said she’d love to come, and I think she’s going to ride down with you.

Now, don’t try to lecture me about intruding into your life. She seems like a very nice girl, and I’d feel bad if she was spending Thanksgiving all alone. Besides, I’m sure she has plenty of crazy aunts and uncles too, so she won’t judge you for your family.

I’m just kidding. I love you and I know you’ll do the right thing. I’m really looking forward to meeting Brook now. From everything you say, I’m sure she’ll be a lovely house guest. I’ll call you later in the week to make sure everything’s arranged.

Love you,


(Read Ira's response, et al.)

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