Sunday, November 22, 2009

Inbox: coming down for Thanksgiving

Sender: Marsha Blatt
To: Ira Blatt

Subject: coming down for Thanksgiving

Hi Ira,

Everything’s ready for Thanksgiving. It’ll be great to see my boys. Thinking back, I’m pretty sure the last time I had both of you at home was Memorial Day. Time sure does go by fast.

I remember that you mentioned a few days ago that your friend Brook didn’t have plans for Thanksgiving. I figured that you would be embarrassed to invite her down for the holiday, so I did it for you. She said she’d love to come, and I think she’s going to ride down with you.

Now, don’t try to lecture me about intruding into your life. She seems like a very nice girl, and I’d feel bad if she was spending Thanksgiving all alone. Besides, I’m sure she has plenty of crazy aunts and uncles too, so she won’t judge you for your family.

I’m just kidding. I love you and I know you’ll do the right thing. I’m really looking forward to meeting Brook now. From everything you say, I’m sure she’ll be a lovely house guest. I’ll call you later in the week to make sure everything’s arranged.

Love you,


(Read Ira's response, et al.)

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Chat about the play

babblingbrook: guess what I’m doing right now.
iRant: homework?
babblingbrook: as if! I’m making creme brulee.
iRant: wow! tell me ur not holding the blowtorch with 1 hand and typing with the other. I wouldn’t put it past you
babblingbrook: nah. old fashioned way. in the broiler in a pan of icy water.
iRant: still impressed. what’s the special occasion?
babblingbrook: chelsea. she’s had a pretty crazy week, and it turns out she got into a fancy education program that’s gonna take her away from us for a month. I want to show her I love her with dessert. rest of the meal is all yummy takeout
iRant: is your mom there?
babblingbrook: yeah, she’s in town (for once, lol). Actually planning on staying around for a WHOLE WEEK so she can fly into nj with chels next sund. (and then there’ll be a new celebration. dancing around the empty house in my underwear.)
iRant: I’ll bet you can do that whenever you want with just your mom and sister around.
babblingbrook: maybe, but it’s better when they’re gone. the music’s louder.
iRant: sounds like fun
iRant: hey, I was wondering -
iRant: are you working backstage during the play, or are you just prep b4hand?
babblingbrook: I’m home free by opening night. Unless a sequin emergency comes up, at least. why?
iRant: o, it’s just that my brother developed a sudden interest in cultural events and wants to come with me to the play, so I’m trying to decide on a date to get tickets.
babblingbrook: well, I’m going on Fri night if that’s any help.
iRant: Perfect. I’ll get tickets for Saturday.
babblingbrook: ?? Not the direction I thought you were going with that.
iRant: sorry. it’s nothing against you. I just want to avoid subjecting my friends to my family.
babblingbrook: Then how will we learn the embarrassing stories of what you did when you were 3?
iRant: :-P I guess you can’t.
babblingbrook: your brother’s older, right? you’re the baby?
iRant: yes, he’s older. I don’t think that makes me “the baby” tho.
babblingbrook: ur adorable when ur offended!
iRant: groan
babblingbrook: where’s your brother coming in from?
iRant: he lives nearby. went to college @ the U. can we talk about something else?
babblingbrook: you 2 don’t get along?
iRant: we just don’t have much in common. and he’s kinda full of himself.
iRant: and a jock. and the favorite.
babblingbrook: :-/
iRant: sorry. shouldn’t be making you listen to me complain about my family.
babblingbrook: it’s part of the friend contract. ur entitled.
iRant: ha. my family just doesn’t get me. I’m kind of a black sheep (you may have noticed that I’m sort of a nerd…)
babblingbrook: You? NEVER!
iRant: and they
iRant: :-P
iRant: and they – well, mostly my dad and my brother I guess – have never understood where I’m coming from. you know, there’s so much that’s central to who I am that I can never share with them – the stuff I do here at school, the kinds of things I’m interested in, all that.
iRant: especially my brother. he’s a good guy—great guy, don’t want to make it sound like I don’t like him or anything, but I guess… I’m different around my family, don’t talk as much, and don’t feel as much like myself. So that’s why I want to take Jason to the play on Saturday.
babblingbrook: Ira… I want to give you a big giant hug.
babblingbrook: if I weren’t trying to make it The Chelsea Show over here, I would invite you over.
iRant: I appreciate the thought.
babblingbrook: hey, we’re still on for the study date tomorrow, right? 2:30?
iRant: See you then. now, don’t you have some creme brule to take out of the oven?
babblingbrook: omg crap!
iRant: lol. thanks for listening. I’ll see you tomorrow.
iRant: have a good night.

(Continue to Brook's inbox.)

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Chat about Softstone

iRant: long time no see, B!
babblingbrook: been busy. But I think u’ve been busier.
iRant: Yeah, probably! If only TAs got paid overtime….
babblingbrook: you’re lucky they pay you at all, peon. You know how much I get here at the theatre building? a big, shiny THANK YOU.
iRant: ur not at the theatre building, liar. I was just there looking for you. was going to take you out on a coffee break.
babblingbrook: So sweet! ok, so really I’m doing my costume work in an abandoned biology classroom. Someone’s going to wonder why there’s rickrack and thread all over his desk.
iRant: lol! did they kick you out or something?
babblingbrook: no – witness protection program
iRant: ???
babblingbrook: jk. I’m playing a game where a certain super who can turn rocks into playdough isn’t allowed to know my name.
iRant: :-/ I thought you were over your “anti-supers” thing
babblingbrook: oh, I am! That’s why it’s a game. I stand by what I said b4~ if softstone wants a decent introduction, he’s gonna have to put out first.
iRant: I get the feeling that won’t happen, Brook.
babblingbrook: Then he can keep calling me Titania. And since the play’s coming up in 2-ish weeks and I’m living and breathing last minute costume stuff, I don’t want some thinks-he’s-so-smart super poking his nose around my work and finding me.
iRant: :-) ur hilarious. U really think he’ll go looking for you?
babblingbrook: At this stage, yeah.
iRant: “this stage”?? what’s up?
babblingbrook: We’ve hung out a few times. On low-crime nights, you know? Walked around dinkytown together on the occasional Tuesday.
iRant: Really? well, well, well….
babblingbrook: shut up! KT teases me enough about it!
iRant: you told KT you’re hanging out with a super and you don’t tell me?
babblingbrook: …it’s kinda personal.
babblingbrook: like, girl talk personal.
iRant: is this something serious?
babblingbrook: no! totally not! It’s something fun. for now, at least.
babblingbrook: I mean, I don’t even know his name.
iRant: you know *A* name that he goes by. that’s pretty close. like a funny nickname.
babblingbrook: not the point. see—you’re no good for girl talk. cause ur a guy.
iRant: nice of you to notice. :-P
iRant: what if sst goes around the theatre asking questions about a cute, slightly evil 5’7” blonde?
babblingbrook: :-D then everyone in the building says ‘sorry, don’t have any clue who you mean’ just like they promised me they would.
iRant: Superpowers are overrated. I’ll bet you could beat half the supers out there in an unfair fight.
babblingbrook: that’s how I roll.
iRant: I’m looking forward to seeing your costumes. which characters should I be watching when I see the show?
babblingbrook: Most of the fairy court. funny, but not titania herself (helped design, didn’t make). most of the vests for the 3-piece suits. and I contributed to the bower.
iRant: good stuff. hey, I gotta go. talk to you later!
babblingbrook: later!

(Return to Deena's story.)

Monday, October 12, 2009

Outbox: Safe?

To: Brook Haupenstaat
From: Ira Blatt
Subject: Safe?

Hi Brook,

I’m just checking to make sure you’re ok. I heard the report on the news about the ReginaPro office exploding this morning around 6:00 am. I don’t think you would be there as early in the morning as the collapse, and the news said they don’t think anyone was on the property at all this morning, but I’m still checking in. I know that Darcy was having you do a lot of extra stuff for her lately.

Anyway, email me or give me a call as soon as you get this. Just an “I’m ok” is enough. I hope nobody’s hurt. If you want to talk, give me a call. I know I’ve been busy this semester, but when I heard about the building falling down I realized that I need to make more time for the people who are the most important to me.

That’s all. I’ll check in later.

(Continue to the ReginaPro response.)

Monday, October 5, 2009

Outbox: latest news

To: Marsha Blatt
From: Ira Blatt
Subject: latest news

Hi Mom,

I got your care package today. Thanks! The cookies are delicious—I had to hide a few to make sure they’d still be around by the time I pack lunch tomorrow.

It was good talking with you and Dad this weekend. I’m sorry I couldn’t stay on the phone for as long as usual. This big project is doing a number on my free time. I hope after it’s finished I’ll finally get some time to relax. We’ll see.

On an unrelated topic, the rumors are that they’re no closer even to proving that there were rogue supers at ReginaPro last week, let alone figuring out who they might be. The top people at the company are insistent that it was the work of rogues, but they don’t seem to be letting anyone in to investigate—not even the supes! How do they expect anyone to help them if they don’t cooperate with the authorities? It makes me mad.

And on top of that, ReginaPro is where my friend Brook is working for her business internship. She wasn’t there at the time of the attacks, thank God, but she seems to be taking it pretty hard and she’s really freaked out by the whole idea of rogues. Poor Brook. I hope this whole thing gets solved soon, if only for her sake.

If there’s any new news I promise I’ll pass it on as soon as I can.

Oh, and also, it’s starting to look like I won’t be able to come home for fall break after all. :-( I wish I could, but I don’t think the scheduling will work out for anything besides Sunday, and Minneapolis to Chicago and back is a long way to go for a day trip.

I’m thinking of you and Dad. Love you,

(See what Brook's been up to.)

Friday, September 18, 2009

Outbox: latest news

To: Marsha Blatt
From: Ira Blatt
Subject: latest news

Hi Mom,

You won’t believe how obsessed everyone around here is becoming with the supes. Besides the 24-hour hotline there’s a huge twitter feed, fan groups and at least one front page article in every edition of the school paper. Even Brook is getting a little into the action. (She still acts like she’s against the whole thing, but her tone has changed lately, since last week she was literally swept off her feet—and you’ll never guess by which super. Yep, you guessed it.)

I know I promised to send you every article, but there’s so much more coverage than I expected, and I’ve been so busy with, you know, everything going on this semester, that I can’t keep up. And besides, everything shows up online, and once it’s there Google can always find it for you.

I will send you one article—one terrible, awful article. (Here it is.) I think it gives a pretty good idea of how it must be to be a superhero on a college campus—don’t you think? It was almost painful to read, but it might give you a good laugh. I feel like Softstone did a good job in the interview though, even with what he was up against.

I’ll call later in the week. For now, I’ve got a tone of homework to do battle with.

All my love,

(continue to the article.)

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Text messages

Sender: Brook
ur not @ coffee.

Sender: Ira
u said meet bet 830/9. its almost 930.

Sender: Brook
i thought u’d stay a while.

Sender: Ira
i have better things 2 do with my time than sitting around waiting for u 2 show up.

Sender: Ira
sorry. didn’t mean that. this sem’s more stress than i thought it would be, im already overextended. wanna hang this wkend?

Sender: Brook
i’ll call u. & fyi, u r missing out on hearing a gr8 story tonite.

(Find out what happened here.)

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Outbox: Back in town

To: Marsha Blatt
From: Ira Blatt
Subject: Back in town

Hi Mom,

I’m just writing to let you know that I’m back in town and everything’s going okay. My roommates will both be out for Labor Day weekend—Matt’s going to a big party at someone’s lake house up near Lutsen, and Larson’s going to his parents’ place. Matt’s in town now and he helped me unload all my stuff.

Everyone around here is talking nonstop about the Super Protection Force—except they’re already calling it “the Supes.” It sounds even funnier with a MN accent.

Most of the people I’ve talked to are really excited about it. I guess having supers around makes them feel like Minneapolis has really made it in the big leagues or something. There are all kinds of news stories, too. I’m saving some clippings to send to you, but I’m sure it will get a lot more exciting after the sightings start.

And would you believe there are already fans—and merchandise? It’s crazy! Of course in the original press release the NSC said the first appearances would be on Labor Day and not before, but the school paper has a 24-hour super hotline and reporters in the field—just in case.

The only person I know who isn’t excited is my friend Brook—the one I told you about, who was in my economics class? She’s sort of against all supers in general. It makes sense though—she grew up in Manhattan, and her family moved out here just after the Fireshield Siege. :-( I hope I can convince her that supers aren’t all bad—and I’m sure that the excellent work that Softstone and the other 5 do to protect campus will help change her mind.

Well, I guess I’ll go unpack some boxes now. Say hi to Dad for me, and I’ll keep you posted about the interesting things going on around here.

Love you,

(Read Brook's status update.)